Gift card

A partir de 160,00

Offer an Atelier Solange dress! With this gift card, the loved one may choose the fabric she wants with the dress you offered. She will give me her measurement for me to tailor her dress. If you hesitate on the dress you would like to offer, do not hesitate to contact me, I’ll do my best to work on a solution.

You don’t know how to take your measurements ? Click here
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You need to select options before adding product to cart
You need to select options before adding product to cart
You need to select options before adding product to cart
You need to select options before adding product to cart
You need to select options before adding product to cart


Offer an Atelier Solange dress! With this gift card, the loved one may choose the fabric she wants with the dress you offered. She will give me her measurement for me to tailor her dress. If you hesitate on the dress you would like to offer, do not hesitate to contact me, I’ll do my best to work on a solution.

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