
At the beginning, there was a name: Solange. Solange was a professional sewer, she is also a grandmother: my grandmother. At the beginning, there was an attic, stuff to sort out, family memories and Solange who gave me her great sewing machine from the 50s. From that heritage rose my first creations. Dresses for me, for my friends, for my mother, for her friends and for the ultimate joy to tell everyone « I made it myself ». These dresses, I wanted them to be flawless, to fit perfectly the curves of my friends. I also wanted them to fit their personalities, to be as unique as they are: it had to be custom- made. Marion wanted to wear white to celebrate her partnership. Wear white but not to look like a prom queen, a soft and romantic dress. Marie wanted to be classy but not too much, as simple as beautiful. Gaëlle has a sexy back and loves to show it. These are their dresses and they are my muses. They gave their names to the dresses they inspired. 
 Atelier Solange, it is dresses made for you: custom-made sewing. I adapt my patterns for my dresses to fit you perfectly. You choose the dress, the fabric, you give me your measurements and you get a unique dress that suits your silhouette within 3 weeks. You would like to try some dresses on before making up your mind? You are hesitating on the fabric? Contact me, I will take care of everything and try to answer all your questions.

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